Kamis, 01 Desember 2011


Hello! Well gue sekarang lagi ngepost ditengah sumatif.

Like a boss banget ya sumatif malah ngeblog-_-
Buat yang gatau sumatif itu kaya Ulangan Akhir Semester. Istilah kerennya di sekolah gue 'Sumatif' gitu. Padahal ya ga ada keren-kerennya adanya malah bikin sengsara T_T

Jumat, 26 Agustus 2011

Tom Felton

Gue lagi kesensem sama Tom Felton coy.
Bukan kesensem sih emang dari sejak awal pertama gue nonton HP gue udah suka sama dia.
Talk about love at the first sight ya <3
Buat yang gatau siapa itu Tom Felton, ini biography dia.

Date of Birth

Birth Name
Thomas Andrew Felton

5' 9" (1.75 m)
Mini Biography
"Tom Felton has been acting since he was 8 years old at the suggestion of an actress friend of his family who recognized Felton's theatrical qualities. Felton met with an agent, and two weeks later, after auditioning with over 400 other children, he landed an international commercial campaign and went abroad to work.

A talented singer, he started singing in a church choir at the age of 7 and has been a member of four choirs at school. He declined an offer to join the Guildford Cathedral Choir. He is a keen sportsman enjoying football (soccer), ice skating, roller blading, basketball, cricket, swimming, and tennis.

After working on Anna and the King (1999) with Jodie Foster, Tom received his big break in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2001) as Draco Malfoy, school boy rival to the titular character as played by Daniel Radcliffe. Tom managed to film the part of Draco in all eight "Harry Potter" movies while also having an active life outside the magical world it created. In between shoots he filmed independent horror movies The Disappeared

(2008/I), 13Hrs (2010), and The Apparition (2011) with Twilight's Ashley Greene. It was directly after completing his filming on "Harry Potter" that he landed his roles in Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011) and From the Rough (2011).

In between acting gigs, Tom still manages times with his music. He is one of the founding owners and talent of Six String Productions, a recording company devoted to signing young musical artists overlooked by the major recording industry. "

Yes dia "Draco Malfoy" yang terkenal itu. Siapa sangka sih yang dulunya imut jadi hot gini-_-

See? Dan ini salah satu interview dia yang terakhir.
Which he has to speak New Jersey Accent.

PS: I cant upload the video now. But soon you will hear it. If you want to search: Tom Felton On Lopez Tonight (2011)

Jumat, 08 Juli 2011

Big mouth

No no no judul post di atas bukan maksudnya mulut gue gede. Oke?
Maksudnya kiasan gitu ya you-know-lah.

Dan apa hubungannya sama gue? Banyak. ga-banyak-juga-sih.
Yaah gue mau cerita 1 aja deh. Singkat kok. Hehe.

Gue pernah bilang ke temen gue kalo gue ga suka Tumblr. Dan ga bakal bikin account di Tumblr. Tapi. Tapi. Yah. Akhirnya gue makan ucapan gue sendiri. Akhirnya? Yaaa gue penasaran juga sih. Gue buka Tumblr. Daaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnn bikin account si Tumblr deh dan parahnya -ga deng bagusnya- gue
addicted sekarang sama Tumblr. Tumblr reaaaalllyyy kewl anyway.

So? I take lesson from this experience....................yaitu hati-hati sama omongan lo coy, oke? :)

PS: Kok kayaknya serius amat deh gue nulis diatas-_-

High School

Lo tau gimana rasanya lo dapetin sesuatu yang lo bener bener pengen banget?

-Nah. Gak efektif tuh kalimat ya bodo amat lah.-

Errrr balik ke topik. Pernah gak lo? Kalo udah lo pasti tau gimana senengnya kan? Gimana lo loncat-loncat sampai bumi bergetar? Oke ga selebay itu juga tapi lo tau kan rasanya seharian lo senyum lebar ke semua orang? Gimana lo meluk siapapun yang ada di deket lo?

Dan gue pernah. Apa yang gue dapettin?

Lo pasti taulah dengan lihat judul postingan gue. Tebak? Yap bener gue baru masuk High School. Dan High School yang gue masukkin itu yang gue bener-bener pengen masuk. Dan sekarang gue abis Pra-MOS di SMA 8 Jakarta.

Gue ga sabar banget buat masuk di sekolah ini. Yaah walaupun gue pisah sih sama banyak temen yang gak di sini tapi tetep aja kan senengnya itulohhh.

Gue ga sabar pake rok putih/abu-abu sma, ga sabar pake baju batik sma, daaaaaaaaaaaaaan semuanya. Fiuh gue aja belom beli buku dkk hahaha udah senengnya gini. Geez gue hiperbola banget deh-_-